What Causes Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis is embarrassing and something nobody wants to have. Even though there are several products like gum, mouthwash and mints to prevent, mask or diffuse bad breath, but if bad breathe persists throughout the day and lasts for an extended period of time, it may be s sign of a more serious problem. Below are some common causes of bad breath.

what causes bad breath

Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene is one of the most common causes of bad breath. If you don’t adequately brush your teeth and floss, food particles from the day will accumulate inside your mouth, on and between teeth. These leftover food particles will breakdown with decay, emitting an unpleasant smell. Over time, poor oral hygiene causes plaque buildup, which causes inflammation of the gums and can result in gum disease.

Not Drinking Enough Water

As we all know, water is extremely important for our body to function properly, and it is also one of the influencing factors of oral health. Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water can add needed extra moisture to the mouth, making it harder for food particles to stick and attach to teeth, which decreases the stench of bad breath.

Unhealthy Diet

It is very common that certain foods may result in a temporary bad odor, such as garlic, onions, curry and other spices. Furthermore, the use of tobacco and dry mouth increase the chance of halitosis, and also make the treatment for gum disease more difficult.

Dentures or Oral Appliances

Improperly cleaned dentures, braces or retainers leave rotting food particles in the mouth, which can lead to bad breath. In addition, improperly fitted dentures can cause infection as a result of bacteria overgrowth.

Disease and Medications

Diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, pneumonia, bronchitis are commonly associated with bad breath. Also, medications used to treat certain diseases can interfere with the body's ability to produce the large amounts of saliva needed to clean the mouth.

A good oral hygiene routine is the best natural treatment for bad breath

Consistency in brushing teeth, gums and tongue at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day is critical for maintaining fresh breath. If flossing is too difficult or harsh on your gums, oral irrigators are an excellent alternative for plaque removal.

In addition to good hygiene habits, making the right diet and lifestyle choices can also help to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Regular dental checkups and replacing your toothbrush or oral irrigator tip every few months can help reverse gum disease and prevent future oral problems.

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